DOT Medical Exam Preparation Tips

The Department of Transportation's required medical exam can be a significant point of stress for many people. In many professional capacities, if you fail your exam, you may also be denied certification or employment. If you will be undergoing a medical exam in the near future, there is no need to overly stress. There are a number of helpful things you can do to simplify the process and improve your chances of success. [Read More]

What Immunizations Should Caregivers Of Newborns Have?

More than 600,000 adults die from vaccine preventable illnesses each year. As a caregiver, it is vital to know what vaccines you need as it could prevent both you and your newborn from becoming very sick. Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Early prevention is the only chance of beating these killers. Measles, mumps, and German measles (rubella) are viruses than can cause miscarriages and birth defects. Measles is very contagious and can quickly spread throughout an entire community. [Read More]

Home Remedy For Treating Your Poison Ivy Rash

While working out in your yard, you may have come into contact with a poison ivy vine, and now you have started to break out in a local rash. If so, use the following home remedy to soothe the itchiness and discomfort caused by this allergic reaction. What You Will Need Before you make and use your home remedy, gather the items below. Small bowl One cup of oatmeal One-half cup of warm water 20 drops of lemon oil Bottle of witch hazel Cotton balls The oatmeal in this treatment helps dry out the pustules caused by the poison from the plant. [Read More]

Caring For Someone Who Has Received A Robotic Knee

A robotic knee is a medical wonder, but that does not mean that receiving a new knee a walk in the park. Modern techniques make the procedure minimally invasive, but that does not mean that recovery will be pain free. If one of your loved ones has received a replacement knee surgery, they will need someone close to them to help with their recovery process. Knowing what you are getting yourself into will help to make sure the experience is if not a pleasant experience, a successful one. [Read More]