Medical Weight Loss For Better Health: What To Discuss With Your Doctor

Weight gain can affect people for a plethora of reasons. From poor diet to genetics, weight gain can cause a great deal of turmoil in how you feel and your ability to move around, and even take a toll on your relationships. Speaking to your healthcare provider about your medical weight loss options is a great way to take charge of this area of your life. Read on for a few examples of what you can expect your healthcare provider to mention when addressing your weight loss concerns. 

A Closer Look at Your Health

When you go to your doctor with concerns about your weight, they will look at more than just the numbers on the scale. Your medical history as well as that of your family, dietary habits, and your exercise routine are just a few examples of what will be examined to determine if they play any factor when it comes to your weight. Speak openly with your doctor regarding what you suspect might be a contributing factor as well. Perhaps you noticed an increase in weight gain when you started a new medication, for instance. Or maybe you've noticed the scale start to tick upward as you also experienced an increase in stress levels. These are all factors that could play a part in why your weight has increased, so be vocal about them!

Prescribing Medications

Depending on your specific circumstance, your doctor may prescribe medication to assist you in your weight loss journey. As with any reliable healthcare provider, they will go over how the medication works and its effectiveness rate with other patients. Do not hesitate to ask for more information, including what side effects to look out for or that might have a negative impact on your health. While losing weight may be a priority for your health goals, remember that some medications will take time to see any noticeable difference. Be patient with the process and keep your doctor updated on how you are handling your medication. 

Lifestyle Changes That Make a Difference

One of the biggest factors that contribute to weight loss is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eating a diet rich in leafy greens, fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains and minimally processed ingredients is a fantastic way you can incorporate foods that will help you lose weight in the long run. Additionally, these types of foods will also provide you with more energy and help stave off feelings of lethargy. In addition to a healthy diet, regular exercise may be recommended by your doctor. Let your healthcare provider know what you feel comfortable with as far as exercise goes to help formulate a workout plan that will be specific to your abilities and needs.
